Product Links for the USA
Welcome to our product links page for axolotl care recommended products! We understand that choosing the right products for your pet can be overwhelming, so we have put together this list of recommended products with corresponding links. The following products range from axolotl care essentials to some possible options for filtration and enrichment for your axolotl. If you have any questions about the products, please do not hesitate to contact us.
This test kit is a requirement for accurately monitoring the water parameters of any aquarium. A liquid test kit with reagents is significantly more accurate and easier to read than test strips. This kit tests for ammonia (NH₂), nitrite (NO₂), nitrate (NO₃), and pH.
Testing GH and KH may be necessary if you are experiencing pH issues in your aquarium. This liquid test kit with reagents is significantly more accurate and easy to read than test strips.
These spare test tubes can be used with API test kits in the event that tubes are lost or broken.
An ammonia source (either liquid or powder) is required to cycle an aquarium before your aquatic pet can be safely put into it. Dr. Tim's ammonia may be the easiest to dose, since it has set dosage instructions.
This water conditioner is the most widely recommended for axolotls, especially due to being known to contain no additives harmful to them. Many water conditioners will contain aloe or other slime coat additives that are irritants to axolotls. This conditioner is also beneficial because it can be overdosed in emergencies up to 5x the normal dosage to temporarily detoxify ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate for 24 hours.
This fan is battery-operated, so it will continue to function in the event of a power outage if left plugged in constantly. Making sure temperature remains below 20˚C (68˚F) at all times is very important for an axolotl tank.
This is an alternative clip-on fan for cooling your aquarium. Making sure temperature remains below 20˚C (68˚F) at all times is very important for an axolotl tank.
This basic liquid/analog thermometer can reliably read the temperature in your aquarium. It may be paired with other thermometers, such as the digital thermometer with probe or temperature gun for increased accuracy. We recommend having at least two thermometers in your aquarium. Making sure temperature remains below 20˚C (68˚F) at all times is very important for an axolotl tank.
We recommend having at least two thermometers in your aquarium to ensure that readings are accurate. Digital thermometers are an option, as well as basic liquid/analog thermometers. Making sure temperature remains below 20˚C (68˚F) at all times is very important for an axolotl tank.
A temperature gun is another way to monitor the temperature of your aquarium, and may be more accurate than digital thermometers. To use, point downwards at the surface of the water in your aquarium; not through the glass. We do not recommend this as a replacement for other types of thermometers, but rather an optional supplement. A temperature gun can be very useful for checking the temperature of tap water while performing a water change.
Many axolotl owners keep a worm farm for a consistent supply of food for their axolotl. Earthworms can be ordered in bulk at this website. Even if worms do not breed quickly enough to maintain their own population, it may still be beneficial to be able to keep a larger supply of worms and only have to restock every few months.
These pellets contain 45% protein, and are an option to supplement an axolotl's main diet of earthworms. They start off softer than the Hikari Sinking Carnivore Pellets, and won't emit a bad odor.
These pellets are a repackaged version of Rangen Salmon Pellets. They contain 45% protein, and are an option to supplement an axolotl's main diet of earthworms. They start off softer than the Hikari Sinking Carnivore Pellets, and won't emit a bad odor.
These pellets contain 47% protein, and are an option to supplement an axolotl's main diet of earthworms. Note: These pellets may be fed more effectively if soaked in water for a minute before feeding, as they start off hard. These pellets will generate a temporary bad odor if left in the tank, unlike the Rangen Salmon Pellets.
This can be used as an occasional food to supplement an axolotl's main diet of earthworms.
An aquarium water chiller may be required for those who live in hot and humid climates if clip-on fans cannot maintain a temperature below 20˚C at all times.
1/10 HP: 13-40 gallon tank
Recommended pump: 160-400 GPH
1/4 HP: 40-100 gallon tank
Recommended pump: 400-800 GPH
Note: Prices vary throughout the year and between other grow stores online, but it typically ranges $300-400 for the 1/10 HP and $400-600 for the 1/4 HP
A canister filter is an effective and reliable filtration option for your aquarium. This canister comes with media, but may need replacement media eventually.
Purigen is one supplemental option for filter media. It can be positioned in the spot for chemical filtration in your canister filter (wherever the water flows through last before reentering the tank). Chemical filtration is helpful, but not required.
This filter media can be used as an eventual replacement for the media that comes included with the Fluval Canister Filter.
This filter media can be used as an eventual replacement for the media that comes included with your canister filter.
This filter media can be used as an eventual replacement for the media that comes included with your canister filter.
Egg crate is often cut to fit on the top of aquariums as a lid with holes, as mesh lids will eventually rust and leach into the aquarium. Since axolotl tanks must be kept below room temperature with clip-on fans, egg crate allows evaporative cooling to still take place.
CaribSea Super Naturals Moonlight Sand is one of the smallest-grained sands currently on the market, which means it poses the least impaction risk for your axolotl. It comes two colors: white and sunset gold. Make sure any sand used in an axolotl tank is less than 1 mm diameter.
This is the sunset gold color of CaribSea's Super Naturals sand.
Make sure any sand used in an axolotl tank is less than 1 mm diameter.
Exo Terra Riverbed Sand is one of the smallest-grained sands currently on the market, which means it poses the least impaction risk for your axolotl. Make sure any sand used in an axolotl tank is less than 1 mm diameter.
Note: Best if rinsed in a pillowcase before use
A python hose makes aquarium water changes significantly easier and more efficient by attaching directly to your faucet and both siphoning up and refilling the water. Note: Dose entire tank with water conditioner directly before refilling. Make sure nozzle is far away from filter intake to avoid shocking beneficial bacteria with different temperature water.
The Hygger hose serves the same function as the Python hose.
Note: Dose entire tank with water conditioner directly before refilling. Make sure nozzle is far away from filter intake to avoid shocking beneficial bacteria with different temperature water.
These tongs can be used for feeding your axolotl, and are made of silicone so they will not easily cause injury.
This hammock has been used successfully in aquariums with axolotls. This specific hammock is recommended due to not containing any metal rings, which may rust underwater.
Indian almond leaves are commonly used with ill axolotls to encourage recovery, as they have anti-fungal properties. Make sure leaves used are too large for axolotl to eat, and remove from aquarium once leaves begin to decompose, due to choking hazard of smaller pieces.
Note: This specific product listing includes a mini glass animal figurine with every purchase.
This is a type of beneficial bacteria for aiding in cycling your aquarium. Beneficial bacteria must be used in conjunction with a liquid or powder ammonia source, such as Dr. Tim's ammonium chloride in order to see any effects. This product is recommended over any shelved, non-refrigerated bacteria bottles, as it contains real, live nitrifying bacteria.
This solution can be used to sterilize the water in cases of advanced fungal/bacterial infection. It should only be added to tubs, not tanks, and the water still requires daily 100% water changes.
For those with an unstable KH/GH, crushed coral can be put inside a media bag and placed inside the tank or filter. Coral will dissolve over time and keep the pH at a higher level.
A baby brine shrimp culture is required for feeding hatchling axolotls from day 1 to when they are around 1 month old. Hatchlings require feeding twice per day with a water change 30 minutes after feeding.
A baby brine shrimp culture is required for feeding hatchling axolotls from day 1 to when they are around 1 month old. Hatchlings require feeding twice per day with a water change 30 minutes after feeding.
Blackworms are a required when raising hatchling axolotls. This container designed especially for keeping blackworms makes their daily water changes and rinsing much more easy and efficient.
Gel super glue can be used in your aquarium for things such as gluing plants to decor.
Media bags can be used to hold crushed coral, Indian almond leaves, or filter media in your aquarium or filter.
This cavelike structure provides a nice hiding area for an axolotl. Since axolotls are sensitive to light, be sure to include at least 1 or 2 cavelike structures in the aquarium.
This decoration provides ample hiding area for your axolotl. Since axolotls are sensitive to light, be sure to include at least 1 or 2 cavelike structures in the aquarium.
This decoration provides a cavelike area for your axolotl to hide in. Since axolotls are sensitive to light, be sure to include at least 1 or 2 cavelike structures in the aquarium.
This faux driftwood structure contains ledges for an axolotl to hide under or lay on top of.
This decoration provides a cavelike area for your axolotl to hide in. Since axolotls are sensitive to light, be sure to include at least 1 or 2 cavelike structures in the aquarium.
This aquarium decoration provides a hiding spot for your axolotl. Since axolotls are sensitive to light, be sure to include at least 1 or 2 cavelike structures in the aquarium.
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